Monday, January 18, 2010

Risk Interrelationships

This "Risks Interconnection Map" from the World Economic Forum 2010 is interesting. You can move your cursor around and click on the risk nodes, providing additional information regarding the frequency, severity, and interconnections associated with that risk. Fun to play with -- and a nice example of the kinds of things we are all doing in Enterprise Risk Management and related areas.

- Rick

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Terrorism Risk in Context

A key role played by actuaries and risk managers is the assessment of risk. An article in today's Wall Street Journal, "Undressing the Terror Threat," attempts to put the risk of terrorist attacks into perspective, and some some interesting statistics.

Also, see the accompying text, "Crunching the Risk Numbers."

- Rick

Organ Recital

"The Meat Market" is an interesting article in today's (Jan. 9, 2010) Wall Street Journal, discussing the current situation with respect to organ donation, shortages of needed organs, and possible approaches to providing incentives to increase donations. Relevant to actuarial science for the topic's potential impact on health care costs, healthiness and longevity (perhaps of both recipients and donors), etc.

- Rick